Breathing In Spirit

"The word inspire comes from two Latin words: in (in) and spirare (to breathe).  Spirare, in turn, is related to the Latin spirit.  Thus, the word inspire was used in older times to indicate that someone was "breathing in spirit," or drawing in divine energy."

~Stephen Co

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Signs and Songs

Saturday night, I attended an angel class that was simply divine . Of course..

Of the many wonderful things that came up during that class, a couple things I must share with you now is that just before drifting off to sleep and just before coming to wakefulness are the best times for communicating with the angels.. And as all of the Angel experts teach us, we can ask for the angels to play a specific song for us to let us know they are with us.

A couple days later, the most beautiful thing happened to me. Monday night, sleep brought a few unremembered dreams, except for one word that came through loud and clear.

In a sleepy haze, I figured that this would be the word for my written assignment in my next ‘words to ponder’ column.   Then, as my morning alarm began to take me into a meditation, I settled in and called the angels to join me in meditation.

It was at just that moment that it occurred to me to ask for a song to validate the angels’ presence to me. I wanted to hear 
"Wayward Son."
 Tall order, I know.  Well tall order or not, after the meditation timed out, I sleepily reached over and switched to my local radio station in anticipation.

Once I realized that the radio show was featuring local school bands, I thought for sure that there would be no music played at all this morning, as the local DJ (if they’re still called that) is a pretty big talker... I was beginning to think, Well, ..There’s always the car ride to work for a chance to hear my song request.

So, there I am, half asleep, and trying to recall if I had any dreams and trying even harder to remember just exactly what that word was. It was really only a few minutes later, after coming back from commercial break that the first few recognizable notes of my requested song began to play (I can name that tune in one note).

I hooted a big giant laugh, pumping my arms in the air over my head as if I just scored a goal in the big game. I certainly don't ever remember having awakened in such a complete state of joy before that very moment. I sang every word of that song, and laughed the whole way.

After the song ended, I was even more amazed to hear yet another Kansas favorite of mine. As the first few notes of "Dust in the Wind" began, It occurred to me that there was soo much more going on here than a simple compliance to my song request from the angels.

‘Wayward Son’ is a song that always brings to mind a dear friend of mine that died before he turned 21. The entire ‘Leftoverature’ album/cd has the ability to do that, actually.. But so does anything by Sting.  It’s okay though, because yes, I do miss him dearly, and would really prefer that he was still here to share this life with, but just knowing that he is with me in spirit can be the most comforting thing for me sometimes.  And this particular morning was no different.  I was so very tickled that that song came on and the Angels brought him back to me for a few glorious moments.

Once ‘Dust In The Wind’ got going, it occurred to me that it was Tuesday.  'Two for Tuesday' is the stations regular broadcasting format.  

Still.. Of all the bands, and all the songs. Wow.

‘Dust In The Wind’ has more significance for me than just the connection to my friend. I played that song with my high school band. Somewhere around my house, I have an actual album that was recorded from our performances. The band director was leaving that high school that year, and had the albums made for the entire band as a sort of going away gift. So each time I hear that song, I am instantly transported back through the many years of my lifetime.  And boy! What a ride that can be!

So there I lay, listening and singing along to the haunting ‘wind’, and now instead of laughing while I sing, my throat is a little tighter, and there are tears burning my early morning dry eyes.  I’m thinking, how can one person explain to the world what a song means to them?  The lyrics might be able to tell part of the story, but truthfully, there are so many layers, and different aspects of the experiences and memories that a song can evoke.  There is so much power in music, that’s for sure.  But for me that morning the real power lay in the miracle of the Divine inspiration and connections that can be made through that music.

And there is that word, acceptance . There remains the question of my actually switching the radio on in the first place.  Had I not accepted the possibility that the angels could and would use the radio to communicate with me if I only asked; I would not have even switched the radio on.  I would have missed the songs being played.  That connection to spirit, and that completely blissful moment of joy and exultation would not have occurred for me.  I would have awakened slowly, very grumpily, and would have trudged off to start my day as usual.  Do I accept this as a coincidence, or as a miracle?

When I actively pursue a spiritual connection that is what I experience. You may call it a coincidence, I'll call it miraculous.  And I am so very pleased that this experience included my dear friend Ron, the hauntingly beautiful music of Kansas, and the love and support of the Angels..


From 'A Course In Miracles'
Miracle: Instead of a divine intervention in the physical world which heals the body, a 'miracle' is a divine intervention in our minds which heals our thought patterns.

“Carry on, my wayward son. There'll be peace when you are done.”

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Reader Comments (2)

~*Noreen :))

What a beautiful confirmation of the all pervasive, ever present attributes of The Divine!
I, too, have played "the validation game," and it can be simply amazing to observe the results ...

Angel Blessings

Maryanne }i{*~
September 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMaryanne
Thank You, Maryanne!

Divine validation has to be my favorite!
September 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMedit8ng

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